Monthly Archives: June 2016


Fred had some good and some bad over the last few weeks. He slipped from his goal of weekly comics, but he did get a lot more finalized on the upcoming omnibus, finished the cover for Chemi’s new Megatokyo Endgames novel, and made some nice progress on the Visual Novel.


Fred finished up the Railcard scene, Piro’s walk back to the apartment, and Largo’s l33t n3kk1d skillz. They look really good, and it feels great to be making good progress again.


Next up is the BakaQuake scene, which Fred fully storyboarded out. We’re hoping to do something really neat with this. It’s much more ambitious than the rest of the team had anticipated, but it’s going to be a lot of fun (and work) making it happen. Fortunately, most of that work is something the team can do. Which means Fred should be moving on to Piro’s first visit to Megagamers next.


Chemi released his latest Megatokyo Endgames novel “The Daynish Campaign”, which tells more of Pirogoeth’s story. It’s available now at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. The Endgames books are a lot of fun. Give them a try.


Fred also did some new story concept art, with the nice Pirogoeth above and the start of a new “Unreasonably Comfy” series, this one staring Mugi and Yaku. Originals of these artworks and many comic panels (as well as some less expensive prints) are available in the Megagear store. Buying artwork is a great way to help support MegaTokyo.

As always, you can watch Fred work on the visual novel, comic, and other stuff live on Twitch. Join us for the live draws. They’re a lot of fun.

Sorry this is taking so long. Thank you all very much for your patience and your support.