Monthly Archives: November 2015

Winter Warmth

Not much progress on the Visual Novel over the last few weeks as Fred has been trying to get some other projects wrapped up in preparation for restarting Megatokyo comics. We did have some more feedback from testers of the Pencil Test beta. We’re glad you all seem to like it, and we appreciate the constructive feedback. Thank you very much.

Fred intends to start chapter 12 of Megatokyo in December “come hell or high water”. When he does, he plans to pump out comics on a more regular basis than he has for a while. To help make that happen, he has been trying to clear the decks somewhat on his other projects to leave himself more time for comics.


The omake has taken so much more time than planned that Fred has finally made the hard decision that he can no longer delay chapter 12 comics in order to finish it. He does plan to finish it, eventually. Chemi, Shadow, and I have stepped in to do more, under Fred’s direction, to try to help get it finished while freeing Fred to spend more time on other things. Part 2 is now closer to done, but still needs some final editing and tweaking.


Fred was at Youmacon in Detroit over Halloween, for which he made the artwork for both the staff t-shirts and the cover of the Detroit Metro Times.


He got the cover artwork done for the 2nd Megatokyo Omnibus. This one will cover volumes 4-6 and should be released later in 2016.


Fred also made more progress on Warmth, with the hopes that he can get the first installment done and off to DarkHorse soon, leaving one less thing on his plate when he restarts the Megatokyo comics.


The samples for the new Kimiko ‘Sad Girl in Snow’ blanket came back from the manufacturer, and they look very nice. These are available by preorder only, he can’t afford to stock them. Preorders are open until November 20th on Megagear.


And finally, Fred got a new fine art printer, after his old one finally died. Fred would like to apologize to all those who ordered fine art prints. With the new printer in place, he finally has all those cranked out and should be shipping orders soon.

As usual, we’re sorry the visual novel is taking so long. Thank you very much for your support and your patience.